Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Facebook Marketing Campaigns

Are you still on the fence about whether it is worth it to invest the time and/or money into creating a solid Facebook Marketing Campaign? Perhaps the fact that more than half the population of the United States over the age of 12 is on Facebook, might make you reconsider any ambivalence that you are currently experiencing. This number will only continue to grow, considering the fact that Facebook is currently deleting over 20,000 accounts every day due to underage users creating the accounts.

One of the most significant aspects of this Social Media milestone, is the fact that just 3 years ago only 8% of the US population had a Facebook account. This level of growth has never been experienced by any other medium in the history of all media (TV, Radio, Newspaper...)

This study was conducted by Arbitron in January of 2011, and highlights the explosive growth of Facebook. There are currently over 200 million active users of Facebook, which is up from 65 million users only 12 months ago.

What does this mean for your business? Well, if you are currently passive about how you have chosen to use Facebook as a way to interact with current customers and seek new ones, you have a tremendous opportunity to improve. Presentation Multimedia createsCustom Facebook Applications, Facebook Landing Pages, Facebook Group Followings, and Robust Facebook Walls with constant updates.

For more information about how Presentation Multimedia can help your business promote to 51% of the US population, please call 914.788.1555 email info@presentationmultimedia.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , click, or join us on facebook

Thursday, March 3, 2011

7 Stats About Facebook That Can't Be Ignored

7 Stats About Facebook That Can't Be Ignored

1) More than 800,000 local businesses have active Pages on Facebook.

- While having a Facebook page does not replace the need for an actual website, they certainly work well in conjunction with one another. We use special techniques throughout the creation of a Facebook page to make sure that most content links back to your website. We also make sure that every website we design and manage has links that go directly to your Facebook page. Our Social Media Marketing techniques have one main purpose: to increase your visibility on the web!

2) There are more than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, etc.) shared each month on Facebook.

- Keeping up with the addition of relevant and timely content on your company's Facebook page can be quite overwhelming. That's why we have full time staff to manage everything for you, and make sure that your fans have a reason to come back and visit. Again, most content is linked back to your website to create more visibility.

3) More than 45 million Facebook users update their status each day.

- What are you doing to have them comment about your business or brand on their pages? We encourage interactivity with your fans and get them to engage with your Facebook page. We don't just wait for your fans to find you, as we actively seek out groups that fit your target market.

4) Facebook claims that 50% of active users log into the site each day. This would mean at least 250 million users every 24 hours!

- Since the first thing that Facebook users see when they log in are the updates from the people and brands they are following, make sure that you consistently have something important to share with them on a regular basis. We can create that content for you, and make sure that it gets implemented regularly.

5) There are more than 200 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.

- They also happen to be twice as active on Facebook as someone who accesses it via desktop or laptop. What happens to those users when they try to access your website after they read something interesting about your company on Facebook? Will the site crash on their phones due to flash content? Will the site download quickly, or take too long and have the user give up? Can the user fill out any forms to get more information? Unless you have a designer deal specifically with these issues that arise from mobile web browsing, your website will fail when people try to access it via their mobile devices. Our Mobile Website Design pros can address all of these issues while maintaining the look and feel of your original website.

6) Every month, more than 250 million people engage with Facebook on external websites.

- See # 1 and 5 above. Make sure that all or most of the content on your Facebook page is linked back to your website. Also, make sure that those 200 million mobile device users will be catered to on your website as well. It is very clear that while Facebook is not the end all - be all of your marketing mix, it should be at least 10% of your marketing budget.

7) People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook.

- We'll make sure that your company or brand can get a piece of that action! How? By creating/joining groups, adding relevant content, purchasing Facebook Ads, linking your Facebook and Webpage... I can't give away all of our tricks right now, but feel free to call us to find out more information.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mobile Commerce + Facebook = More Sales

Mobile Commerce + Facebook = More Sales

With Facebook now being the #1 most viewed website in the world, it is very clear that the integration of marketing through mobile devices with a social media campaign is a must. Facebook is already set up to be viewable on most web enabled phones, so it is very important to have a mobile commerce page that will work in conjunction with your social efforts.

Incorporating mobile is a very important part of increasing social media interactivity, and allowing passionate fans to share their experiences about your products with their friends. With mobile devices, consumers can broadcast their opinions in real time, adding speed and efficiency to a viral campaign. Mobile brings you closer to your consumers, and consumers closer to each other, adding fuel and energy to a brand's awareness. We can add a "like" button to all products featured on a mobile webpage, which generates a buzz whenever someone posts it on their wall.

Having your brand, company, or individual products contain more "likes" on Facebook will help validate your brand while increasing the interactivity with the consumer. Brands thrive on being an intregal part of their consumers' lives, and Facebook allows you engage the fans while leaving a virtual stamp on their wall. For many Facebook users, their wall represents their day to day lives. The more "likes", the more likely that other potential consumers will investigate about that brand.

Facebook and YouTube links can also be integrated into a SMS text message plan, which vastly increases the level of viral activity and ease of accessibility. Presentation Multimedia specializes in helping our clients build up a valuable mobile database, have an active fan base on Facebook, and have their commerce available for purchase on mobile devices.

For more information about our Facebook and Mobile Commerce plans, please visit or call 914.788.1555.